Join us on the Journey

This devotional from Palms Presbyterian
church is aimed at thinking about what it means to be following Jesus in discipleship.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 3 - Lenten Devotional

"But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt.” (Luke 6:27-29)

So this is another lengthy selection from Luke – but I just couldn’t cut off the text… the whole point of Jesus here just seems to keep snowballing out of control. It goes from a strong statement into an increasingly radical statement.

“Love your enemies” – okay I can handle that… different from what I’d want to do but plenty of wiggle room with what it means to “love” my enemies. I just have to think good thoughts about them. Hope they see the error of their ways. Wish them the “best”!

Do good to those who hate you.” Uhhh… a bit of a struggle. This goes beyond just thinking good thoughts on behalf of them, but actually DOING good for them? This is when signing on board for this mission starts to get pretty rocky. I’d prefer to only do good for those who deserve it – or at the least just those who are grateful for the help… but those who hate me?

“Bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.” Alright… this is okay – Jesus is backing off a bit. I can pronounce blessings and prayers over those who are “mean” to me. Hunker down a midst their abuse and pray for God to stop them, change them, fix them!

Only now is the problem… Jesus just didn’t know when to stop… and he goes on. “If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also.” Well… now… that’s just stupid. I mean, it is – isn’t it? Not just don’t respond – as if that’s wise in itself. But offer them the other? That’s just… letting yourself be a victim. Certainly that cannot be what Jesus means… right?

I’ve heard ways “around” the meaning. However, I’m not really one to play mental gymnastics to try to find a more palatable meaning to Jesus’ teachings. There are lots of times that Jesus teaches in unclear ways… this however is not hidden in story and nuance. “Offer the other also,” and if you think it’s not clear enough, “anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt.”

When someone gets this radical – this “out of line” – we usually want to find a loop hole by seeing if they practice what they preach. But were talking about Jesus here – and he didn’t lead an overthrow of Rome… he stopped Peter from defending him against Roman guards… he gave – GAVE – his life for us on the cross. Clearly Jesus was prepared to “offer the other also.”

Is Jesus a victim though? I think not. He is not. For look back at the verb choice, its not – allow yourself to be struck again. “Offer the other also.” Not a victim – but active non-violent resistance. So counter to all our instincts… its not flight – its not fight – its something else. Something counter to instinct: a third way, the Jesus way… active, strong, non-violent resistance to the violent, dominating, “me first” instincts of our world.

Jesus and his disciples… even the early church did not kill for their faith or seek to dominate others to submit before their truth. They did die for their faith though… and sought to submit themselves before God’s truth. The truth of love, forgiveness, redemption and grace.

Its hard work… hard work. We have to resist all our instincts and train new response. Learn to “offer the other also”. This is why we are disciples – this is why we follow, and don’t lead. We are learning to walk the “third way” the Jesus way… to neither be victim or victimizer.

How do we encourage and affirm each other in choosing a third way?
Are you prepared to “offer the other also”, and help me do the same?
Does any of us really dare to practice love, forgiveness and grace?

Ever more radical God, at times such as these your word seems too hard. You have asked too much. Can it be that you really actually mean for us to “offer the other also” – can you not take this cup from us? If not Lord… and I know it’s a not somewhere in my heart – then give me the conviction to practice your way – to nurture grace, forgiveness and love in my heart and to live it in my life. Have mercy on me O Lord. Amen.

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