Join us on the Journey

This devotional from Palms Presbyterian
church is aimed at thinking about what it means to be following Jesus in discipleship.

Please add to the conversation in the comments - comments will be reviewed for appropriateness. Conversation always helps the learning process so speak up and tell us what you think about the text and our lives as disciples.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lent 2010 - Feb. 17

Lent 2010 - Feb. 17
I will be writing daily devotionals throughout Lent for the congregation with whom I serve - Palms Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Lent is always a time of discipleship. However this year I will be particularly intentional about reflecting on the ways we are called to follow, the gifts we have been given, the discernment of how God desires us to live out of our gifts in the world. In two words we are: Discerning Discipleship.

Anyone is welcome to travel with me - read, comment and help us reflect on the nature of our shared calling and the particular ways we live that out in our lives.

Join us on the journey.

Feb. 17, 2010: Ash Wednesday

"The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near;
Repent, and believe in the good news." (Mark 1:15)

These are the first words of Jesus in Mark's gospel. Without preamble or story Jesus is prepared for and baptized by John, and then begins ministry with this call: the Kingdom of God is near so repent and believe.

Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. This year at Palms Presbyterian Church we are focusing closely on Lent as a time of intentional discipleship. God is calling us - are we listening? So it was a wonderful discovery to find that these words from Mark have served in church history as alternate words to be said during the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday. They are fitting words.

The Kingdom of God has come near! God is in our story. God's Kingdom is not some remote heavenly realm - or end story good news to be balm to our wounds of injustice. The Kingdom of God is real... it is present... and it has drawn near even now. Are we practicing ways to focus our attention on God's Kingdom? Are we developing Kingdom eyes?

Repent! This word conjures diverse imagery. But biblically it serves as a call to turn to God... or more earnestly to re-turn to God. Many voices, many ways, many idols distract our attention. We orient our lives towards "things" and not the life-giving, life-sustaining presence of God. We are called to turn back, to re-orient our life with God at the center. What do we need to turn from? Who has God put in our lives to help us turn?

Believe the good news! Turning starts with a turning away... and turning away is hard. Turning away almost always takes us away from comforts, control, and clarity. Turning away is sacrifice. But we do not turn away in self-denial, self-punishment, self-deprecation. Certainly not for their own sake. We turn away in order to turn to God. We turn in order to experience the depth of joy that comes in life-giving relationship to our Creator. We turn to the one who has made us as a gift to the world - to the one who calls us beloved - to the one who dwells and delights in us. This is truly great good news. Do you believe that you are God's beloved? Do feel the embrace of the God who dwells and delight in you?

Christ is calling to us from the shorelines of our lives. Jesus is making known the Kingdom, calling on us to turn our eyes, our ears, our hearts, our minds... our lives to God and God's good news. Are we listening? Do we believe? Will we dare to risk our lives in service?

Let us answer the call and follow together!


God of the waters - in the beginning your Spirit hovered over the face of the deep, and in the waters of baptism you called, named and claimed us. Hover over the deep of our lives once more and call to us. By your Grace may we turn once more to you and dwell in you, even as you dwell in us. Amen.

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