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This devotional from Palms Presbyterian
church is aimed at thinking about what it means to be following Jesus in discipleship.

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lent Devotional: March 12

"I'm giving up something for Lent."

Giving up. Those words puzzle me. They speak too much off self, of my control, of faith on my terms.

The early Christians said Christ emptied himself. He didn't give up, but emptied. I wonder what I need to empty this Lenten season.

(Reflection by Rev. Tom Walker)


  1. Giving Up something for Lent? What is it, Chocolate, Coffee or Facebook? Giving up these things don't seem to compare, to "Christ emptied himself", do they? So what can we do? Well, we can try to be his servants. We can be in conversation with God. We can make our lives better by being with God. I want to have a more Christ like discipline. I want to have more prayer and scripture time. I guess this is not giving up something but adding something.

  2. Giving Up something like sweets, while it might help me personally, doesn't do much for my spiritual life. I am going to Take Up more meditation time and prayer to grow closer to God.
